Product updates

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Product Updates

Product updates


September updates 2020

As you've already noticed, we update quite often and every time we want to please you with new features and capabilities of PeopleForce. That's why at the very beginning of the autumn season we're in a hurry to share new useful features!


August updates 2020

Before you know it, it's August! We want to kick off the last month of summer with our release! In this release, the team paid a lot of attention to PeopleHR, specifically roles and access levels.


July updates 2020

Vacation season and the warm Black Sea is still going on, but the PeopleForce team is not resting and is working to raise your spirits with new handy features in the system!


June updates 2020

Before the warm summer and the vacation season, our team was able to make many useful improvements that are already available in accounts. The main updates were improvements to the PeopleRecruit recruitment block and design improvements to individual elements.


May updates 2020

Our team aims to help companies optimize and customize HR processes, relieve HR managers of routine and bring together all key HR management information in one place.


PeopleForce april updates 2020

The PeopleForce team is working daily to improve the platform so that you can better optimize your business processes, automate routine HR tasks, and keep your employees efficient and engaged during quarantine times.


April updates 2020

We hope that you take care of yourself and stay safe during quarantine! And our work on new features and product updates continues, and today we present you with a brand new PeoplePerform module, as well as some additional changes in the new version.


March updates 2020

In February we added archive for stale vacancies, SMS-registration of employees in PeopleForce, ability to comment on ads, redesigned directory and employee cards and introduced 20+ new features, which you can read about here.


February updates 2020

In February our team paid a lot of attention to your requests and was able to make more than 25 improvements, which are already available in accounts. The main updates to PeopleForce touched on streamlining communication processes, improving the design of individual elements and in general PeopleHR, PeopleRecruit, PeoplePulse.