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Product Updates

Product updates

icon2019-12-19 integration

While everyone is doing their annual reports and tidying up their work files, we're presenting what we've been working on for the last month - PeopleForce HRM now has integration with!


November updates 2019

The PeopleForce team has worked daily to improve the platform so that you can automate everything you automate and deal with more global, strategic things.


June updates 2019

PeopleForce has new features released. We continue to provide modern and feature-rich HR and recruitment solutions.


New features released: june, 2019

PeopleForce continues to deliver modern and multifunctional HR and recruiting solutions and introduced new major updates in June 2019. PeopleForce product offering now includes 4 modules, which can be purchased separately, so you have more flexibility in matching HR and recruitment solution to your business needs and paying only for the functionality you really use.


PeopleForce new features release: may, 2019

PeopleForce delivers the best result and flexibility in HR and recruiting management processes to make daily work of our clients even more comfortable and routine free. In May 2019 PeopleForce introduced powerful features of company asset management, recruitment interviews automation and scorecards for recruiting.


PeopleForce unveils new HR features for hiring and integrations with project management

PeopleForce, the first HR and recruiting management solution for tech companies, introduced new powerful features to make work and life of HR specialists easier.


PeopleForce New Features: April updates

PeopleForce, the first HR and recruiting management solution for tech companies, introduced new powerful features to power up HR departments with a more customisable and tailored HRM solution.