Policies of Service Restriction

Policies on the restriction of services in the territory of the russian federation and the Republic of Belarus

In connection with the armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine and the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine, as well as the active participation and support of the Republic of Belarus in this crime, which provides its territory for the deployment of russian military and the launch of missiles at the territory of Ukraine - these states from February 24, 2022 are recognized as aggressor states against Ukraine.
Since the invasion of the russian federation of Ukraine, the company has decided to terminate cooperation and provision of services to that country’s companies, as well as their representatives and / or any other persons directly or indirectly related to the aforementioned aggressor states. 
In this regard, the PeopleForce team does not cooperate and does not provide services to any and all persons related to the aggressor states, namely:
PeopleForce DOES NOT WORK with:

  • Companies, representatives, individual entrepreneurs, which are established and registered in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation/Republic of Belarus;
  • Companies that are established and registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, the ultimate beneficial owner, member or participant (shareholder), who has a share in the authorized capital of 10 percent or more, in the russian federation/Republic of Belarus, a citizen of the russian federation/Republic of Belarus or a legal entity established and registered in accordance with the legislation of the russian federation/Republic of Belarus;
  • Companies in which all or the vast majority of employees are residents of the russian federation/Republic of Belarus or are citizens of these aggressor states;
  • Companies in which all or the vast majority of employees and/or management, and/or beneficial owners are non-residents who permanently reside in the russian federation/Republic of Belarus and temporarily stay on the territory of Ukraine due to their being residents of the russian federation/Republic of Belarus.
  • Companies whose domain names contain ru/by;
  • Companies whose e-mail addresses contain ru/by/mail.ru/yandex.ru/etc. domains;
  • If it can be established that these companies or all their employees are located in the russian federation/Republic of Belarus;
  • Companies that have registered or changed their registration address to countries other than the russian federation/Republic of Belarus, but continue to do business in the russian federation/Republic of Belarus.

PeopleForce reserves the right to verify the history and reputation of a potential client for further decision-making on cooperation, and if PeopleForce finds at least one of the above signs of the client's connection with the aggressor states, then PeopleForce reserves the right to refuse to cooperate without reconsideration.The client can always exercise the right of early termination of the Agreement by deleting their data from the account, however, in this case PeopleForce is not obliged to refund the subscription fee.

This is not only a legal requirement, but the civic and moral position of our team.