Career growth and professional development: what’s the difference?
Career growth is a job or financial change in an employee’s career based on professional and personal qualities.
There are three types of career advancement: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. Each of them has its pros & cons.
It’s a career growth within one company. For example, an employee signs up as a Junior Development, and eventually becomes Middle, and then Senior, etc. This type of career advancement has advantages and disadvantages.
Diagonal career growth is the transfer of a specialist to a new company with a position higher than at the previous work place.
It is the transfer to a new company for the same position with a pay rise. Another interpretation of the term “horizontal career growth” is deepening competencies and expanding responsibility within one position.
Career growth, in most cases, is impossible without professional development is the personal improvement in line of work, acquiring new skills, and work experience that can help achieve a career goal.
Together, growth and development form the backbone of a successful career plan that brings satisfaction and good rewards.