Service Level Agreement


These terms of service level is an Agreement between a Legal Entity, PEOPLEFORCE LTD, incorporated and operating under the laws of England and Wales, company number 12537808, with its registered office at 10 John Street, London, WC1N 2EB, United Kingdom (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Provider”)  and any natural person, individual entrepreneur or legal entity (hereinafter referred to as the “User”), and hereinafter jointly referred to as the Parties.

This Service Level Agreement defines the level of service that the Service Provider undertakes to provide to the User, sets out the indicators by which this level is measured, as well as the extent of the Service Provider's liability and the means of reimbursement in the event that the Service Provider breaches the agreed level of service.
Together Parties concluded this Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “SLA”), which mutually agreed on the following:

Goals and Objectives

The purpose of this SLA is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide provision of PeopleForce virtual platform technical support services.The goal of this SLA is to reach a mutual agreement on the provision of technical support services between the Service Provider and the UserThe objectives of this SLA is to provide services to the User for technical support of the software, namely the  PeopleForce virtual Platform, in accordance with the terms of this Service Level Agreement to ensure the normal functioning of the software (hereinafter referred to as "Services").

1. Definitions:

Table 1

Glossary (abbreviations)



Service Level Agreement.

Service Provider

PEOPLEFORCE LTD is a legal entity that has all the necessary rights to provide the User with access to the PeopleForce Platform software with all its components, add-ons, modules, etc. under the terms of the PeopleForce Virtual Platform Services Agreement.


The PeopleForce Virtual Platform is a multifunctional HRM personnel management system ( with all its components, add-ons, modules, etc., which are already part of it or will be included in the future.

Technical support service (TSS)

The service structure of the Service Provider is intended to solve technical problems of users that may arise during the use of the Platform.

Technical Support

Technical support services for the software (Platform) are a set of measures for technical support and ensuring the Platform's operability, software updates. Services Provided under this SLA, namely: consulting, search, detection and elimination of defects/bugs, assistance in solving problems arising in the process of using the software.

Working days of TSS

Weekdays from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.

Working hours of TSS

On working days from 10:00 to 18:00.

TSS address for sending requests

E-mail address: where the User, if necessary, can contact with an Application/Request to report about a technical problem of using the software.Also, during the first calendar month of using the Platform the User is provided with a support chat on technical issues (PeopleChat with Support and QA managers) from the "support window" of the User's Platform.


A condition that produces a significant effect, the cause of which is unknown. A problem can be created by a single significant incident or by a number of separate incidents that show common characteristics.

The main functionality of the software

Defined in Table 4.

Technical error

Series of software malfunctions or errors.

Known bug

A problem which root cause is identified.


Any appeal by the User to the Service Provider's technical support service to the TSS email address.

Request for resolution of the problem (Request)

The User's request to solve a problem in the Software, which is not part of the standard operation of the Software, and caused or may cause an interruption in the operation of the Software.

Temporary solution

Any temporary solution to the problem that ensures the operation of the software in a stable mode of operation. After applying the temporary solution, the Service Provider must determine the source of the problem and eliminate it in agreement with the User.

Decision period

The time interval required to provide the Services in accordance with the Request.

2. Types of errors:

Table 2

Error name

Description of the error

Service Provider’s side Error:

Business logic layer error

Misbehaving business rules.

Calculation error

Incorrect, inaccurate output of quantitative values, rounding.

GUI (graphical user interface) error

The problem of displaying elements of the graphical interface (text overlay, etc.).

Validation error

An error related to the determination of valid data and the bias of entering invalid data.

Documentation error

Inaccuracies or incorrect information in documentation or other publications.

Performance error

A problem with the speed of performing calculations and loading information.

User's side Error:

Data entry error

Entering data that does not correspond to the expected type.

Error of practical use

Using functions inappropriately that leads to an unexpected result.

Environment error

Use of outdated components when accessing the system.

3. General provisions of technical support services

All Services are provided by the Service Provider only at the relevant User's Request.
All Services are provided in accordance with the order of Services provided in this SLA.
The Service Provider does not provide technical support for client workstations.
Technical support of the software is provided by the Service Provider based on the principle of exclusivity, i.e. no other natural or legal entity can provide technical support of the software to the User, the terms and scope of which fully or partially coincide with the terms and conditions described in this SLA.
The User can use the TSS only within the validity period of the Service Agreement for the use of the PeopleForce Virtual Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Agreement”).
If necessary, the Service Provider can provide remote access to the User's information systems via the Internet in order to analyse problems. Service Provider personnel will access only those systems to which access is permitted by the User. To receive assistance through remote access, the User must provide the Service Provider with appropriate access and the necessary equipment.
In order to provide technical support, the Service Provider has the right to request the User to provide information related to account data, technical characteristics of the equipment.

4. The procedure for providing technical support services and ensuring system performance.

Electronic requests for technical support are accepted 8 (eight) hours a day, 5 (five) days a week.All Requests are submitted by the User or the User's contact persons to the TSS e-mail: , or the User applies to the support chat (within the period stipulated by the SLA).Technical support is provided to the User on business days and during business hours.System update works and preventive works are carried out by the Service Provider during the hours of the lowest system load, in particular on holidays and weekends, as well as at night from 22:00 to 06:00.If necessary to eliminate a Critical Incident or problem, technical services can be provided during business hours, if they do not interfere with the stable operation of the software.In case of receiving a request for technical support, the period of solving problems depends on the priority of the request (Table 3).

5. Service levels, rankings, and priority:

Classification of errors according to the level of criticality and their impact on the operation of the Software. The term for the Service Provider to restore the working state of the Software, depending on the priority:

Table 3

Severity Level


Service Response(working hours)

Target Response for bug fix (working hours)

Critical incident

An accident that caused the software to stop working, or to disrupt the main functionality of the software (Table 4), despite the fact that there are no workarounds for its temporary solution.

within 1

 up tо 8 (1 day)

A critical problem

An accident that led to a violation of the main functionality of the software (Table 4), despite the fact that there are workarounds for its temporary solution.

within 4

up tо 24 (3 days)

Not a critical problem

Errors that do not significantly affect the functionality or performance of the software.

within 8

up tо 80 (10  days)

6. Definition of the main functionality of the software:

Table 4


Basic functionality

General functionality

Login to the software via email and password, creation of an employee, activation and deactivation of access to the software.


Creation of absence requests, approval and rejection of absence requests, calculation of absence balances.


Creation, editing and viewing of vacancies; creating and editing a candidate, moving a candidate through the job funnel, reviewing the candidate database; creating and sending a job offer, acceptance of the offer by the candidate; creating and sending an interview invitation letter.


Creating, reviewing and updating OKRs (goals); creating, reviewing and updating KPIs; creating and viewing 1-on-1; creating, submitting, and completing performance evaluations.


Create, send and complete a survey.


Creation, filling, sending and approval of the timetable; creating a project, tasks in the project. 


Creating a case, sending a response to the case.

7. Exceptions and limitations:

The platform consists of various modules that can work both independently and in combination with other modules.
The Service Provider can guarantee the normal operation of the Software (Platform and its modules) during the entire time for which it is provided for use, only if the User observes the compatibility of the purchased modules.

8. Service availability:

Table 5

Type of service


Availability time UTC+2 (UTC+3 in Summer time)

Access to technical support

According to the general regulations, in all cases, TSS provides technical support to the User 8x5 - 8 (eight) hours a day, 5 (five) days a week.
In the event of a critical incident, namely a complete shutdown of the software, the User's technical support can respond to requests during non-working hours.

10:00 -18:00

Bug Fix Period 

In case of detection of a critical incident, namely a complete shutdown of the software, work is restored immediately from the moment of receiving a request from the User and no longer than 24 hours.
In the event of a critical problem, recovery can be carried out at any time within 3 working days, depending on the complexity of the problem.
In the event of a non-critical problem, recovery can be carried out at any time within 10 working days, depending on the complexity of the problem.

10:00 -18:00

Note: If the User's request is received by the technical support service after 17:50 UTC+2 (UTC+3 in Summer time), TSS has the right to consider such a request on the next working day starting at 10:00 a.m.

9. Processing the Customer's requests on non-working days and non-working hours:

In case of receiving a request from the User regarding a Critical Incident during non-working hours and/or non-working days of the Service Provider, TSS must respond to such a request within 3 (three) hours from the moment of its receipt and provide technical support (restore the operation of the main functionality of the software) no later than 48 hours.
In the case of receiving a request from the User regarding a critical problem during non-working hours of the Service Provider, TSS must respond to such a request on the first working day no later than 11:00 UTC+2/UTC+3 and provide technical support for restoring the normal operation of the software according to Table 5.
In the case of receiving a request from the User regarding a non-critical problem during non-working days of the Service Provider, the TSS must return no later than Monday 11:00 UTC+2/UTC+3 to the user and provide technical support for restoring the normal operation of the software according to Table 5.

10. User’s processing requests

On working days and during working hours, the User informs the Service Provider in writing (by e-mail, to the TSS address/support chat) about the occurrence of a request for technical support of the software.TSS, in turn, on the same day informs that it has taken the matter into work, and may also contact the User for additional questions by phone or email;TSS assesses the criticality of the technical problem and the criticality of the response and, in accordance with the classification of the problem, informs the User about the possibility and approximate term of restoring the full operation of the software.

11. Software integration with other systems

With the agreement of the Parties to this SLA, the Software Platform (its modules) can be integrated with other systems (both with the User's systems and with the Service Provider's systems).In the event of a problem with the software integrated with another system, the User has the right to contact the Service Provider with a corresponding Request for technical support in accordance with Section 4 of this SLA.The User understands and accepts the conditions that in the event of a problem with the software integrated with another system, the time of providing technical support by the Service Provider may exceed the period specified by the Parties in Tables 3,4,5 and Section 9, since, in particular but not exclusively, the term of checking the corrected version of the software depends additionally on the term of its checking by the service where the integration is placed, and in this case the Service Provider cannot guarantee the time of its review.

12. Requirements for the User's software

For the full and correct operation of the Service Provider's software (Platform, its modules), the User must comply with the following technical requirements:

  • Use one of the listed browsers of the latest version, such as: Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
  • Allow the use of Сookies.
  • Enable JavaScript.
  • Check the settings of his/her personal and/or corporate Firewall (a program that protects a computer/local network from destructive actions from the Internet) or proxy server so that they allow JavaScript.
  • The User understands and accepts the conditions that in case of non-compliance by the User with the requirements of clauses 6.1.-6.4. of this SLA, the Service Provider cannot guarantee the User uninterrupted, full-fledged and correct operation of the software, as well as ensure the normal operation of the platform during the entire time it is provided for use.

13. Rights and obligations of the Parties.

The User has the right to:

  • notify the Service Provider about detected errors in the software;
  • require the Service Provider to eliminate identified errors in the software conditions defined by this Agreement;
  • to submit applications for the provision of Services to the Service Provider.

 The Service Provider has the right to:

  • receive from the User the information necessary to fulfil the obligations under this Agreement.

14. The User's obligations:

Ensure the availability of a secure access channel to its internal corporate network for remote access of the Service Provider's specialists to the software, for the purpose of administration, testing and monitoring of the software. This access must be opened by the User for the period of provision of Services in accordance with the terms of this SLA.Provide the necessary assistance in the provision of Services by the Service Provider, namely: provide the Provider (its authorized persons) with unhindered access to the software, provide all available and necessary information and documentation for the provision of Services in accordance with this SLA (at the request of the Service Provider).Provide access to information that the Parties consider necessary for the provision of Services, in compliance with confidentiality requirements to the extent and on the terms agreed by the Parties. If necessary, provide documentation, as well as test data in the amount and quality necessary and sufficient to solve the tasks of software integration with the User's information systems.Notify the Service Provider in a timely manner of any changes in circumstances beyond the User's control, but affecting the Service Provider's performance of its obligations under this SLA.Comply with the software requirements specified in section 6 of this SLA.

15. The Service Provider’s obligations:

To provide the Services in a high quality, on time and manner, in full accordance with the terms of this SLA.Provide the User with verbal and, if necessary, written consultations on software architecture, software support and configuration.Carry out the necessary regular software maintenance work to maintain the normal operation of the Platform.Immediately inform the User in writing about all technical and software changes to the software affecting its functionality.Eliminate errors/bugs in the software independently and at its own expense within the specified time limits in accordance with this SLA within the framework of the Services Agreement.

16. Responses and Responsibilities

The User’s responsibility:The User is responsible for monitoring the functionality of the Software, administering the Software servers and administering the Software.Responsibility of the Service Provider:The Service Provider is responsible for solving incidents in the operation of the software, ensuring the normal functioning of the software 24/7.

17. Compensation for damages.

The User  has the right to compensation for losses suffered as a result of non-fulfillment or improper fulfilment by the Service Provider of its obligations under this SLA, namely in the event that:

  • After the User made a request to the TSS in accordance with the requirements of this SLA, the User did not receive the technical support service or received it in violation of the terms specified in Table 3, 5 and section 9 of this SLA, which made it impossible to use the main functionality of the software (and in the absence of a temporary solution for accessing the main functionality of the software) and/or led to a complete stoppage of the software for more than 8 hours in a row;
  • After providing the technical support service, the User did not have full access to the platform and could not fully use the software, which made it impossible to use the main functionality of the software (and in the absence of a temporary solution for accessing the main functionality of the software) and/or led to a complete stoppage of the software more than for 8 hours in a row;

The User has the right to compensation in the amount of 5% for each day of inability to use the main functionality of the software, which is calculated from the amount paid by the User for 1 (one) calendar month of using the module or modules to which the User did not have access (the main functionality of which the User could not use) due to the Service Provider's fault.The compensation can be transferred to the User's account within 14 calendar days from the moment the service is restored or upon the agreement of the Parties to this SLA, this compensation can be credited as a discount for the next period of use of the Platform.In case of early termination of the Agreement on the provision of services for the use of the PeopleForce virtual platform by the User, due to the impossibility of using the main functionality of the software (and provided there is no temporary solution to access the main functionality of the software) for more than 24 hours in a row, the Service Provider will return to the User the funds paid for the unused period of using the Platform (its modules), within one calendar month from the moment of termination of the Agreement , while the User is not entitled to compensation of damages in the amount of 5% for each day of inability to use the main functionality of the software.The total amount of compensation for damages related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfilment by the Service Provider of its obligations under this SLA cannot exceed the amount of the total cost of using the Platform (its modules) in accordance with the Service Agreement.

18. Acceptance of provided services.

The Parties have agreed that in the case of existing comments from the User to the TSS, the User has the right to send a reasoned Claim to the address of the Service Provider within 3 working days from the moment of receiving the technical support service.The Service Provider is obliged to consider the User's Claim within 14 working days from the moment of its receipt and provide a reasoned answer.

19. Term

This SLA will be valid for the entire term of the Service Agreement.In the event of early termination of the Service Agreement, for any reason, this SLA shall also automatically terminate from the moment of termination of the aforementioned Agreement.

20. Other conditions

The Service Provider has the right to unilaterally change the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the procedure, the scope of services provided, etc., and notify the User by publishing the relevant information on the Service Provider's website. All notices, requests, demands and other notices within the framework of this Agreement must be made in writing and carried out by email.